Alphonse Tse
Alphonse, 人稱 Ball sir, 自小喜歡烹飪, 因煮得一手好菜, 朋友時常求教煮食技考, 或組織私房菜為求一嘗手藝, 久而久之,每逢週末,家中會聚集一班朋友交流心得,再慢慢由興趣轉為職業, 成為全職廚師, 著重技巧,擅長法國菜及甜品,尤其是馬卡龍。在Facebook 群組"美味關係"短短五個月間已有二千成員,分享各種甜點與西餐的煮食技巧, 亦獲邀請於有名西式廚具店中作定期烹調示範。
From interest to career
Alphonse loves cooking when he was a kid. Every weekend his friends came to his home in order to try his new cuisine or learnt how to cook. Due to overwhelming request from students or those who want to try his delicious dishes, he turned his interest into a career and became a chef in 2013. Alphonse specializes in French dishes and Macaron. His Facebook group "Come dine with me" have 2000 members in just 5 months (now over 8000). He also regularly provides cooking demonstration in famous cooking wears store.
Elsa Chau
自2013年跟隨 Ball sir 學習, 尤其擅長製作馬卡龍、各式麵包及月餅。
因為有著對烹飪的熱誠, 2016年頭更遠赴法國藍帶廚藝學院的東京分校參加甜品課程畢業歸來。